Overall Catch Success Rate: 90%
Billfish: 29%, Tuna: 55%, Dorado: 55%
Another fantastic week of fishing in Cabo! Tuna continue to impress this week, with 162 fish caught, including releases. And, the best part, Tuna were mostly in the 35 to 80 pound range. We also had one of 130 pounds landed on Pisces 31’ Ruthless (Top Boat for three consecutive weeks!). Lots of Dorado this week too, 132 fish caught including releases, with quite a few decent sized fish too; Some up to 35 pounds. Billfish numbers still about the same, with one or two Billfish caught per boat; and we’ve been getting quite a few Blue Marlin too.
We’ll start with our Billfish catches this week. Pisces 35’ Valerie had 1 Striped Marlin of about 100 pounds, plus 7 Dorado of about 10 pounds each. They released 4 of the Dorado, al caught on feathers at Los Arcos. Marlin also hit here, taking a dead Caballito bait, for anglers Bruce Chappell and Jamie Akula.

Pisces 35’ Ripper had 1 Blue Marlin Released of about 180 pounds, which took to Caballito bait at Los Arcos. They also found 10 Dorado there, again taking Caballito and feathers.
Pisces 37’ BBII had a 200 pound Blue Marlin Released at San Jaime area, where they also had 2 Dorado take to caballito and ballyhoo bait. Dorado were about 10 and 30 pounds each. The next day, Pisces 28’ Adriana also had a 200 pound Blue, about 26 miles South of Cabo for Courtney and Michael Salinas.

On another day, Pisces 46’ La Chingona had 1 Blue Marlin Released, of about 230 pounds on a petrolero lure. They also found 8 Yellowfin Tuna there, about 40 miles out to 150 spot. Yellowfin were 50 to 60 pounds each.
Pisces 31’ Ruthless had a great day with longtime angler David Smith (fishing with Pisces 23 years now!) and his friends Chad Argenbright, GT Mason, Time Ellashek and Nicholas Killian. They found the Tuna bite late in the day, and it was tough work but it paid off. Chad fought his Tuna for almost 3 hours! He had 30 # line and the Tuna weighed 130 pounds on the scale. They also landed another 4 Yellowfin between 40 and 70 pounds each. Tuna were found about 40 miles out, to the 200 Spot.
The next day, Captain Beto Lira of the Ruthless found ‘em again. This time landing 18 Yellowfin, these about 15 to 20 pounds each. They also had 3 Skipjack. Tuna hit on cedar plugs and feathers outside of Migrino. They also landed 5 Dorado close to shore at Migrino on Caballito bait and feathers. Dorado were about 10 to 12 pounds. Pisces 31’ Rebecca also fished the area outside of Migrino the same day, landing 16 Yellowfin on feathers, bait and cedar plugs.
Earlier in the week, Pisces 46’ La Chingona had 3 Yellowfin that stuck, they lost a few good ones, as they found some great bait ball action with Big Tunas smashing through. The crew had fun landing some off the bow on the poppers, anglers were Pisces Reservation agents! Fun day for them, as they got to “walk the walk”. Fish were about 35 to 60 pounds about 30 miles South.
Pisces 35’ Knot Workin had 1 Striped Marlin of about 100 pounds which took to caballito bait, at San Jaime bank. They also had 8 Yellowfin Tuna and 1 Small Dorado released. Pisces 45’ My Way had 4 Yellowfin Tuna from 20 to 70 pounds 40 miles to the 200 Spot on lures.

For Dorado catches, Longtime angler Rick Walsh and Sean Walsh headed out for Dorado on Pisces 31’ Rebecca also and landed 6 of about 10 to 12 pounds each close to Solmar area.

Pisces 28’ Andrea had 4 Dorado all about 15 to 20 pounds, on lures, at Las Margaritas. Anglers were back at the dock by 11:30 am. The next day they landed 9 Dorado with the largest of about 12 pounds, close to Pedregal area. Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 also had 6 Dorado this day, also in the same size range, they used ballyhoo and lures in the same area, and also had 3 Skipjack.

Pisces 40’ Coronita had 1 Striped Marlin Released of about 120 pounds, which took to live bait at Migrino for David Williams. He also landed 6 Yellowfin. Pisces 45’ My Way had 8 Dorado, all around 12 to 15 pounds. They released 2, all caught in the Los Arcos – Margaritas area.
Pisces 31’ Rebecca had 7 Dorado of about 8 to 12 pounds, releasing 3, all caught close to Los Arcos for Angler Dave Smith.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Some choppy seas with some days of wind midweek from 5 to 15 knots. Weather improved by the weekend with calmer seas, sunny skies. Warm weather.
WATER TEMP: 85 – 87 F
BEST LURES: Feathers, Cedar plugs, Caballito bait, Ballyhoo
BEST LOCATIONS: Los Arcos to Migrino for Dorado most and 30 to 40 miles South of Cabo.
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Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg