Overall Catch Success Rate: 85%
Billfish:27%, Tuna:34%, Dorado:61% , Other:6%
Dorado bite still turning up this week! 369 fish caught with Releases included. As always, we’re respecting limits, so hundreds of Dorado released here. Tuna numbers still good, with 136 Yellowfin caught, compared to 127 caught last week. Pisces 62’ Chasin Tail had a 126 pound Yellowfin, the largest fro the fleet this week! Billfish numbers: 44 Releases total, with only Striped Marlin and Sailfish this week. We did have a few Wahoo show up though, which was nice to see.
The Dorado bite was best Monday with just over 100 Dorado caught for the fleet that day. This was the best day of the week actually, with Sailfish, Striped Marlin, Yellowfin Tuna and Wahoo caught too.

Top Dorado boat this day was Pisces 31’ Ruthless with 20 Dorado ranging from 5 to 15 pounds each, caught between Los Arcos and Cerros de Arena area. They Released 14 of them. Plus anglers had 2 Striped Marlin released on dead bait.
Pisces 31’ La Brisa had 13 Dorado with the largest weighing in at 33 pounds. Dorado caught at Los Arcos, and then Striped Marlin Released on dead caballito bait at Golden Gate. Pisces 31’ Rebecca this day also had 1 Striped Marlin Released on tigrillo lure at Golden Gate, and has 12 Dorado at La Bomba. Plus, 1 Sailfish Release, of about 90 pounds, at Golden Gate as well for anglers from CA.

Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann anglers, although sea sick and returning just before 9 am, still managed to land 14 Dorado, releasing 8 of them. All on feathers between Los Arcos and Cerros de Arena. Pisces 31’ La Brisa had 22 Dorado landed and respecting releases this day too!

Pisces 60’ Happy Ending had 4 Striped Marlin released this day, all around 100 and 120 pounds. Plus, 11 Dorado, 5 Released, at Los Arcos and Marlin at Golden Gate.
Pisces 31’ Ruthless had 4 Striped Marlin Released, all about 100 pounds, at Golden Gate, plus they had 8 Dorado, 2 Released on feathers closer to shore.
Pisces 62’ Chasin Tail had 8 Dorado between 10 and 12 pounds each on caballito bait, plus 7 Yellowfin Tuna at San Jaime. Tuna again, decent grade this week, these ranged between 35 and 50 pounds each.
Midweek, Pisces 62’ Chasin Tail had a great day getting after the Tuna and landing a 126 pound Yellowfin, plus 11 more between 40 and 60 pounds. Plus, Angler Ann Anderson released a nice Sailfish of about 70 pounds. All abut 28 miles South of Cabo.
Pisces 38’ C Rod had 13 Yellowfin from 15 to 50 pounds, on feathers and cedar plugs at around 35 miles South of Cabo.
Pisces 35’ Knot Workin had 4 Yellowfin from 15 to 55 pounds, on hoochies at 25 Miles from the 180 Spot. Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 tried with the kite this day, and also managed 4 Tunas, but they headed to the 11:50 Spot and fish ranged form 40 to 60 pounds each.

Pisces 46’ La Chingona had a great day with 11 Yellowfin between 35 to 65 pounds each at about 25 miles to the 190 Spot. Plus they had 1 Dorado of about 12 pounds on ballyhoo and 1 Striped Marlin Released.
Wahoo this week, Pisces 38’ C Rod had a 35 pounder for the Parry family and 10 Dorado between 10 and 12 pounds close to Cerros de Arena area.
Pisces 28’ Andrea had 2 Wahoo of about 20 pounds each close to Migrino, plus 1 Jack Crevalle Released and 2 Dorado 10 and 20 pounds on lures.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Some wind midweek up to 20 knots and swell. Better conditions towards the weekend. Sunny skies!
BEST LURES: cedar plugs, feathers, caballito bait, lures.
BEST LOCATIONS: 180 Spot, 11:50, San Jaime, Los Arcos to Margaritas and Cerros de Arena.
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Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg