Overall Catch Success Rate, All Species Combined 66%
Billfish Catch Success Rate 21%, Tuna 19%, Dorado 5%, Other Species 29%

On Friday, March 10th, Pisces 35 ft Bertram, “Valerie,” with Captain Roberto Sandez at the wheel, and Salvador Flores handling the deckhand chores and conducting “Los Cabos Sportfishing Clinic” for Keenon Miles, Khari Green, Michelle Williams, and Zyah Williams, who were visiting from Arnold, Maryland.
Throughout the day, they racked up an impressive catch-list of sierra, roosterfish, grouper, pargo, and triggerfish, most of which were released at Migrino except for a few grouper and sierra mackerel which they had for dinner later that evening.
The 66 ft Viking, “Friday Bank,” with Captain Alex Collins and Roberto Davalos, headed out on March 12th to the often-productive 1150 spot where they raised several striped marlin. Then, after several refusals on the lures, they dropped back a live mackerel that an estimated 120-pound striper couldn’t resist! Less than a half-hour later, the hook was removed, and the glimmering released fish swam away.
Cade Sharp, Caroline Sharp, Drew Dollar, Kris Sharp, Lida Sharp, and Tyler Rollins were delighted when a second fish fell for the live “Mackie” trick. They flew matching marlin flags from the “Friday Bank’s” outriggers as they excitedly reviewed the day’s catches on the way back to the marina.

The blazing Baja sun sparkled on the calm Sea of Cortez as it rose above the horizon on the morning of that same day as the Pisces 31 ft Bertram “Rebecca” with Captain Jose Ramon steered a 150-degree course in search of the porpoise schools holding yellowfin tuna, reported by a few captains in the Pisces fleet the day before – not the monsters weighing over a 100-pounds, but the 15 to the 25-pound class that are actually more fun to catch. Sure enough, near the 30-mile mark, they saw the birds hovering over the porpoise schools, and below, they spotted the porpoise. The seabirds were diving into the water as the porpoise and feeding yellowfin boiled on the sardines in the remarkable mayhem surrounding the “Rebecca.” School-sized yellowfin tuna gobbled the cedar plugs and tuna feathers that gurgled in the boat’s wake. Jeff Betz, John Betz, Steve Wasawski, and Tom Warsawski, anglers from Branchburg, New Jersey, frantically reeled the fleeing tuna to the stern to be thrown into the fish bag by Cesar Alucano, the deckhand. Other Pisces Sportfishing’s members raced toward the spot!

Spring weather greeted our fleet on March 13th as they considered their options. The 31 ft Bertram “Tracy Ann” with Captain Julio Castro-Raul Leal found dorado a mere 12 miles from the marina, followed by a couple of yellowfin on cedar plugs in the 15 to 20-pound class for their anglers Richard Tomaski, Tom Pattillo, and Zac Tomaski, all from Tiki Island.
Captain Esteban Balderas and Adrian Olachea on the 32 ft Cabo Express “Bill Collector” found a striped marlin they estimated to weigh over 100 pounds on the 95 Spot for anglers David and Sam Schwartz from Scarsdale, New York.
The 35 ft Cabo Flybridge, “Bill Collector II” with Captain Juan Carlos Lopez/Jose Gomez, reported several yellowfin in the 20 to 25-pound class on cedar plugs at Fuera Herradura for Alexander Jennings, Leila Jennings, Luke Jennings, and Noelle Jennings. However, the following cryptic note at the bottom of the captain’s daily report caught the attention of several crew members. It underscores the value of the daily on-the-water reports shared among the crews of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, the largest in Cabo San Lucas fishing daily!

On May 15th, the first surface swordfish of the season here in Cabo was landed by these extraordinary lady anglers: Rachel Rost and Jennifer Johnson aboard Pisces 32’ “Bill Collector” on a casted live bait!
The following day (March 16) Another swordfish was landed! The Pisces 31 ft “Tiburon” is making it happen for our anglers Dan and Ernest, who have been fishing with this crew for 15 years and can’t recall having had a bad day.
Congratulations to Dan’s first-ever swordfish! It was hooked and landed on the surface with live bait cast by Mate Carlos Santos and Captain Rosendo Gomez.
Dorado, yellowfin tuna, striped marlin, and swordfish finning on the surface in the same week! It seems to be a safe bet that our Spring season has arrived a tad early.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Mostly calm, with 2 to 3-foot waves and 6 to 14 kts. of wind in the afternoon.
BEST LURES: Live and dead mackerel, ballyhoo, squid, larger trolling lures, and cedar plugs.
Find the best vacation villas in Cabo at Pisces Luxury Collection, and the finest yachts at Pisces Yachts.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Gary Graham, That Baja Guy.