Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined 97%
Billfish Catch Rate 77%, Dorado 37%, Tuna 17%, Other Species 13%
Billfish: Cabo is experiencing fabulous fishing right now, in what should traditionally be a slow time for anglers going out. Boats were fully booked many days; no more slow season in Cabo! Not only do we have fish, but it’s also a nature show out there. Whilst fishing, anglers can see whales, dolphins, turtles and sea lions.
Striped marlin was the predominant species this week, with no signs of catches slowing down anytime soon; that is, as long as bait stays in the area. There were three areas that boats on day trips were fishing this week. First spot was the Old Lighthouse, very close to Cabo, maybe just over a mile from port. Marlin could be caught here by dropping bait, with a lead weight, towards the bottom – fish were found in deep water, boats sat and drifted, letting their live mackerel swim. This can be a frustrating way to fish, though it did yield results if you were patient. Some of our boats did this early in the week before heading up to Golden Gate, about 15 miles from Cabo.
The action was a lot more exciting there, fish were easier to catch and hook ups fast and furious, doubles were common and the fish extremely feisty and strong – a real contest on lighter tackle. Bait was plentiful at Golden Gate and the fish eager; plenty of catches of fish in the 90 to 130 LB class. Most of our guys headed here early in the day, then tried for tuna further north, then looped back along the shoreline towards Cabo to see if they could pick up some table fish.
The third spot that boats headed to was the Finger Banks, 50 miles from Cabo and at the geographical limit for day charters. Sensational fishing at this spot for those willing to pay the required fuel surcharge. But many enjoyed the best day fishing of their lives with multiple marlin catches.
Pisces Hot Rod, a 40 ft Cabo, managed to release 9 marlin at the lighthouse on December 10th. Pisces Ruthless, a 31 ft Bertram did well to score 9 marlin in the 100 to 120 LB class on December 13th for the Sullivans from Massachusetts. Catches of 2 to 5 marlin per day were common at the Golden Gate and often other species could be found. Pisces Rebecca 31 ft had an interesting day for Kyle and Stephanie Yonce who were visiting from Charlotte, North Carolina. They ended up releasing 5 striped marlin as well as a sizeable 130 LB thresher shark at the Golden Gate. Boats who went the 50 miles to Finger Bank were kept busy, such as Alexander Burns from Colorado, who was able to release 28 striped marlin and boat 3 dorado aboard the 31 ft Bertram Tiburon, with captain Rosendo. Bill Collector II a 35 ft Cabo flybridge skippered by Juan Carlos had an outstanding day on December 11th releasing 30 striped marlin and boating two dorado for Elwin Brooks, Kennedy Daniels, Leroy Rice, Mike Snider and Tara Carter from Virginia. One day before this, the same boat tallied 27 marlin released for Stephen Henager and a couple of friends from Spokane, Washington. Pisces anglers caught and released a total of 288 marlin this week with 77% of charters catching them.
DORADO: After marlin, dorado was the next most likely catch, though we will see a slow down on this much favored species as we get into colder weather. Catches were between 1 and 8 fish, though the average was 1 or 2 with 37% of boats hooking up to average size fish. Exceptions were Pisces Karina, a 30 ft Bertram Moppie, who caught a nice 28 LB dorado for Gerry Bass on December 9th and Sea Senora, a 42 ft Post, who managed to land 9 dorado up to 15 LBS for the Hearn, Hendrix and Hulbert’s (team H) on December 12th, fishing straight out from the Lighthouse. The total dorado catch for Pisces boats was 145 fish.
TUNA: To put it simply, some anglers just love to fish tuna. They don’t mind the long distance you often have to travel and the frustration of getting them to bite when they are swimming under a school of porpoise. The good thing is our crews are very experienced, so if they can find them, you can usually get a hook up. Tuna is unpredictable so just because they were in a certain location one day, there is no guarantee they will be there the next day, and this was the case this week. Just 17% of our boats caught tuna this week with 93 total fish being caught. Catches were between 1 and 14 fish. Pisces Adriana, a 28 ft Uniflite, was top boat with 14 caught on December 12th, fishing 20 miles offshore with Alex Burns on board as the angler using cedar plugs. Alex’s fish were from 12 to 35 LBS.
OTHER SPECIES: As we get into cooler weather and lower water temperatures, we should start to see an increase on inshore fish, which happened this week, though they are nowhere near their peak, which should happen between February and April. Our anglers had catches of grouper, sierra, skipjacks, bonitos and some red snapper.
LOCATION: Old Lighthouse, Golden Gate, Finger Bank
BAIT/LURES: Live mackerel, cedar plus, hoochies, guacamaya lures.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Partly cloudy, seas mostly calm.
Based on the catches of Pisces Fleet, by Tracy Ehrenberg